Get involved by placing your heart and hands in the areas of greatest need. By choosing to give your time, talents, and/or treasure, you are becoming a vital part of leading people into a life of discipleship.
Below are a few ways to serve at Immanuel. Chat with the Administrator or the Pastor about how you can get involved.
Church Council ▪ Stewardship Committee ▪ Finance (Budget) Committee ▪ Education Committee ▪ Worship Committee ▪ Property & Grounds Committee ▪ Welcome Committee
Worship Assistants
Greeter ▪ Acolyte ▪ Communion Assistant ▪ Altar Guild ▪ Usher ▪ Lector/Reader ▪ Musician (instrumental/vocal)
Sunday School Teacher ▪ Confirmation Mentor ▪ VBS Coordinator/Assistant ▪ Bible Study Leader (Mens, Womens, Teens, etc.)
Other Volunteer Opportunities
Fellowship Host: Coffee Hour, Fellowship Brunch, Soup Supper, or special events ▪ Funeral Server (WELCA) ▪ Crisis Intervention Team ▪ Prayer Chain ▪ Food Pantry Volunteer
Below are a few ways to serve at Immanuel. Chat with the Administrator or the Pastor about how you can get involved.
Church Council ▪ Stewardship Committee ▪ Finance (Budget) Committee ▪ Education Committee ▪ Worship Committee ▪ Property & Grounds Committee ▪ Welcome Committee
Worship Assistants
Greeter ▪ Acolyte ▪ Communion Assistant ▪ Altar Guild ▪ Usher ▪ Lector/Reader ▪ Musician (instrumental/vocal)
Sunday School Teacher ▪ Confirmation Mentor ▪ VBS Coordinator/Assistant ▪ Bible Study Leader (Mens, Womens, Teens, etc.)
Other Volunteer Opportunities
Fellowship Host: Coffee Hour, Fellowship Brunch, Soup Supper, or special events ▪ Funeral Server (WELCA) ▪ Crisis Intervention Team ▪ Prayer Chain ▪ Food Pantry Volunteer